Fourth FERS School comes to an end

Friday, 20 October, marked the closure of the IV FERS School on Sea Level Rise and Coastal Adaptation

Over two weeks, more than twenty students from all over the world had the chance to broaden their understanding of the causes and impacts of rising sea levels while delving into the consequences on coastal regions, such as extreme events, coastal erosion, floods and vulnerability to storm surges. The group also learnt from experts about different adaptation strategies through case studies, the complexity of their implementation, the disproportionate impacts on marginalized communities, and the importance of inclusive decision-making processes.

To get a first-hand experience on the topics, students enjoyed a field visit to the Po Delta Park, the largest wetland area in Italy.

As collaboration and cooperation are key elements of any FERS course, the class was split into five working groups, each focusing on a case study of a given area affected by sea level rise, respectively Miami, Pisa Coastal Plain, Lisbon, Bangkok and Jakarta.

Each group presented its findings and solutions on the last day of the course when students were also awarded their certificates.

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