The beginning of the Future Earth Research School series!

The new Future Earth Research School, a series of high-level courses to understand and anticipate future global environmental challenges, has launched its first Course on “Water Resources, Land-use and Forestry”. Participants from different countries will be encouraged to understand how the nexus between water and ecology is essential to sustainability economic, and environmental development. 

The Future Earth Research School offers the opportunity to interact with international experts, explore solutions to multidisciplinary challenges and create new grounds for innovation. Through a systemic approach, participants are stimulated to imagine new pathways to drive change, thanks to practical activities, seminars and lectures. Intensive study and training days will foster discussion and collaboration between participants and faculty members, leveraging the practical and effective format of the course.

The first Future Earth Research School (FERS) on “Water Resources, Land-use and Forestry”, kicked off in Bologna, Italy on June 20, 2022. The purpose of the course is to foster a transdisciplinary approach to water and environmental management in the face of climate change, setting the basis for designing new adaptation strategies built upon cutting-edge research. 

During two weeks of intense activity, the participants will explore the link between water resources, land and society.  Questions such as how land is impacted by climate change through global warming, sea level rise and water-related hazards and how we can sustainably manage water and emerging risks for the future will be debated through interactive activities and advanced learning tools. 

In addition, a reflection will be advanced on the importance of tailoring measures and strategies to the context of action based on specific governance frameworks. This will be carried out through the examination of case studies and practical applications. A community of young professionals from several different countries will engage with the faculty of international experts to discuss impacts and uncertainty assessment, as well as technical design and policy-making for climate change adaptation. 

Coordinated by the CMCC Foundation and funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region, FERS provides high-level scientific courses that give researchers the tools to understand and anticipate future global environmental challenges

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